
Showing posts from November, 2006

Life Interrupted - Lebanese Refugees Flee Israel's Wrath

Since the eruption of fierce clashes between Israeli troops and Hezbollah fighters in July of 2006, missiles have rocked more than the concrete superstructures of Beirut and Haifa; thousands of innocent civilians caught in the crossfire have had their lives turned upside down and placed in a precarious holding pattern of uncertainty. In the weeks following the initial bombings by Israeli forces, a multitude of inhabitants were trapped for up to two weeks without food or running water. When the runways of Beirut’s international airport were targeted by Israeli air strikes, thousands of travelers desperate to leave the country as well as gain entrance to reunite with family members inside Lebanon, were stranded for days across the Middle East. Painful memories and recollections of Lebanon’s bloody civil war are resurfacing and once again demoralizing the spirit of the Lebanese people. The violent discord between Israeli troops and the guerilla warriors of Hezbollah (Party of God) is no r...

Iraqi Immigrants in Jordan: Economic Benefit or Burden?

Following the outbreak of war in Iraq, the Jordanian economy slipped into an alarming yet brief recession as the steady export of goods into Iraq was impeded and the cheap flow of oil from Baghdad was cut off. Jordan managed to successfully maintain its stability with the virtually instant foreign aid it received from the United States as well as its Arab counterparts; but when a sizeable amount of Iraqi immigrants began flowing into Jordan to escape the turmoil of their country, some feared that the surplus of refugees and expatriates would place added stress on Jordan’s already fragile economy and essentially suffocate the country’s infrastructure. Predictions asserted that the excessive amount of Iraqis inundating Jordan’s capital Amman would flood the job market and consume millions of dollars worth of precious resources, specifically electricity and water, resulting in an eventual collapse of the economy. This is still a risk, but in the meantime, studies show that a variety of Jo...