Something Brewing in the Pot Soon

It has been six months since I completed my debut book A Foreign Affair – my memoir documenting my time serving in Iraq and falling in love with my native Iraqi husband – and I am itching to get back to writing. I probably shouldn’t put the cart before the horse here and jump into writing another book before I even have the first one published, but I try not to let too much grass grow under my feet. (I know – how many idioms can you squeeze into one sentence?) I have decided to focus on my husband for my next project (no that wasn’t a euphemism for something naughty) and will be working on HIS memoir. He has a treasure chest of interesting experiences and stories from the six years he spent working, at first, as a local translator for the "invading" American Army, and later as a U.S. Permanent Resident and D.O.D. contractor deployed alongside American forces in various locations throughout Iraq.
It is, again, a unique perspective not heavily documented or presented to the general American public. It was literally baptism by fire into the American culture – at least into the young U.S. military service member culture in Iraq. Fadi has recounted numerous tales and snippets of his experiences working for the U.S. military in Iraq and I have found every one of them interesting and entertaining, so it finally dawned on me that perhaps other people might as well. This idea is in the extreme rudimentary stages of development so don’t expect anything soon but just thought I’d put it out there that I intend to have something officially brewing in the pot soon J.


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