
I'd like to welcome everyone to my new Blog! I will be leaving for my second trip to the Middle East in less than two weeks and will be reporting from there on what I hope to be at least a weekly basis. I will be researching daily life of the average Mid-Easterner and hope to better aquaint the world with the experiences and lives of those not captured by the CNN cameras everyday.
Having recently separated from the United States Navy, I am now free to document and write about issues, observations and opinions that I was previously restricted from publishing. I am clinging to this oppportunity with both hands and feet and taking advantage of my constitutional right to freedom of speech which I temporarily surrendered six years ago when I raised my right hand and vowed to defend such rights as an active duty military service member. I hope you enjoy my postings and experience at least a shard of amusement and diversion. I do not expect any of my articles to dramatically change your life, but if after you finish reading a post and simply say to your self, "Hmm, that was interesting," then I am fully satisfied with my efforts and have fulfilled my aspirations as a writer.


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